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Santo is a gorgeous pitbull mix (maybe with Great Dane?).

We met him back in mid November of 2012 in San Antonio Texas, when one of my best friends found him. I love the story and I’ll try to make it justice in writing.

José was walking Mita a lovely, fearless tiny terrier mix, around their condo complex. They approached a wooded area and somewhere in there, hidden in the leaves & coiled like a snake was a dog. José thinking about the safety of Mita went back to his place to drop her off, grabbed some chicken, went back to the spot,  cautiously got Santo’s attention & took him to his porche.

The next day Aaron, my husband & I  went to meet him, fell in love & we’ve been together ever since.

Santo came into my life under very special circumstances. Two of weeks before I had

To be continued …

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